
At the Parents’ Annual General and Budget Meeting held on 23 November 2023, the parent body adopted the following as part of their resolution:

1. That school fees may be determined and charged at Howick High School.

2. That the school fees for 2024 will be R42 400.00 per learner, per annum.

3. That school fees will be payable in full and in advance on or before 29 February 2024, but that the Governing Body of the School may accept payment of school fees in instalments, provided that an ‘Agreement To Pay School Fees’ form has been collected from the School, completed and returned to the School on or before 29 February 2024.

4. That should the parents fail to return the agreement to pay school fees to the School on or before
29 February 2024, payment of the full school fees due must be made on or before 29 February 2024.

Per pupil per annum R 42 400.00

If paid in full by 29.02.2024 R 39 220.00 (7.5% discount* R3180.00)

Per pupil per term R 10 600.00 (x 4 terms in advance)

Per pupil per month R 4 240.00 x 10 (January – October)

* 7.5% discount will only be applicable if payment is made in full by 29.02.2024

Banking Details:
Nedbank Howick 165 705
Account No. 165 700 5100
Please use pupil’s full name as a reference

Card Machine payments can be made at the school office.